When it’s really hot out, keeping your canine companion properly hydrated is extremely important. Dogs can overheat very quickly in summer. Fido has a fur coat on, and he can’t sweat to cool off if he gets too hot. As temperatures rise, you’ll need to keep a close eye on your pooch, and make sure he doesn’t get too hot. Read on as a Dahlonega, GA vet offers some tips on making sure your pooch is staying hydrated.

Multiple Water Stations

If you have more than one dog, a large house, and/or a yard, you’ll want to set out more than one water station. Be sure to clean and refill Fido’s water bowls at least once a day. You don’t want them to start collecting bugs and bacteria!

Pet Fountain

Many dogs love drinking running water. Why not get your four-legged pal a doggy fountain? There are quite a few different types. Some are basically just bowls that keep water circulating. Others spray water into the air when your furry bff steps on a pad.

Hydrating Snacks

Keep hydration in mind when choosing your canine buddy’s snacks. You can make your cute pet some yummy pupsicles by putting kibble, cheese, shredded meat, or bacon bits into waxed paper cups or ice cube trays, and then pouring water or sodium-free broth over them and freezing. Fido may also enjoy some doggy ice cream, which you can buy or make.

Water On The Go

Many of our canine friends really enjoy going places with their humans. Whenever you take Fido off your property, always bring water along for him. This will be a bit easier if you get a doggy water bottle with a bowl, or some collapsible dishes. You may want to just keep these things in your car, along with a gallon of fresh water.

Splashing Fun

Many pups love swimming. If your dog likes to splash around, by all means indulge him. Just supervise him closely. Also, try not to let Fido drink from pools, lakes, or streams. If you’re camping or hiking, purify your furry friend’s water before drinking it, just as you would your own. Or, just bring bottled water with you. If your pooch likes to play with or drink with hose water, get a filter for your hose.

As your Dahlonega, GA veterinary clinic, we’re here to help! Contact us anytime!