While the official start of summer may still be a month out, temperatures are already rising. This time of year can get pretty hot around here. Those sticky, sweltering days are tough on both humans and animals. Here, a Dahlonega, GA vet lists some summer barn hacks.

Fly Away

Flies are the bane of every barn owner’s existence. There’s no way to completely get rid of these pests. However, one thing that will help is spritzing your barn’s walls and stalls with apple cider vinegar or a vinegar/water mix. Lavender sprays can help repel mosquitos. Finally, schedule regular pickups to get your manure moved off-site.

No Sweat

Helmets are a must for all riders. However, they can be pretty hot and uncomfortable in summer. Put a bandana on under your helmet to absorb sweat.


Making sure that your horse is drinking enough water is very important. If you need to prod Silver to make sure he’s staying hydrated, add some organic apple juice to his water.

Aloe Vera

Keep some aloe vera around. It’s great for soothing sunburn ouchies on both horses and people!

Saddle Racks

Many people use boards for simple saddle racks. However, consider using a clean five-gallon bucket. Not only do these look uniform, you can also use the inside of the bucket to store things for individual horses.

Fishing Vest

Going trail riding? Get a fishing vest! There are lots of pockets for storing things like first-aid items and snacks. And, because they don’t have arms, they won’t be too hot.


Troughs are a great way to provide your horses with water in a pasture. However, these can become mosquito nurseries, and can also attract all sorts of insects. Consider adding a few goldfish. They’ll keep algae down, and will help battle those bugs. This will work best in troughs that are under some sort of cover. You don’t want to attract wild birds! Remember to clean the trough weekly.

Keeping Water Cool

Horses appreciate cool water on hot days just as much as the rest of us do. Consider getting a chest freezer. Fill several plastic one-gallon bottles with water, and then freeze. Put the bottles in your horse’s trough to keep the water cool.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns about horses and livestock. As your Dahlonega, GA pet clinic, we’re here to help!