June 22nd is Take Your Cat To Work Day! Actually, for some of us, every day is now Take Your Cat To Work Day. This year, more people than ever have been working from home. That means that many of our feline patients are spending a lot more time with their humans. Read on as a local Dahlonega, GA vet discusses taking your work to Fluffy.

Work Stations

Keep Fluffy in mind as you set up your work station. Your pet may want to hang out on your desk with you. That’s fine, but make sure she can’t knock anything breakable over. Also, get into the habit of using cups or bottles with covers at your desk. Otherwise, she may smack your drink over onto your papers or keyboard. We also recommend setting your screen lock to a short time, such as 30 seconds. Otherwise, you’ll get up for something, and come back to find your furry coworker grooming herself on your computer.


If you pay attention, you’ll realize that kitties are very much creatures of habit. Fluffy will diligently stick to her own kitty routine for her 32 daily naps, 6 meals, and 4 sunbathing sessions, as well as cuddle time and playtime. Incorporate your furball into your routine! Feed and play with your feline companion at specific times.

Pawsitive Thoughts

Cats can also be a source of inspiration for us. What can we learn from Fluffy? First and foremost would be the importance of getting enough sleep. Your kitty is also a good reminder to make sure that your work station is comfortable! Fluffy is also a source of inspiration when it comes to self-care, having fun, and just spending quality time with your loved ones.

Purr Breaks

This has been a pretty rough year, to say the least. Cats are very comforting in troubled times. Be sure to pet your furry friend regularly. You can even try letting her sit on your lap as you work, though that may not work very well. Kitties can brighten up any day. Once the day is over, settle in with Fluffy and a good book or movie. Purrs are one of life’s greatest gifts, in our book.

Please reach out to us, your Dahlonega, GA vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!